A lot of people asked me to put on my site the distributives of that IDE (Integrated Development Environment) which I use in my work. The satisfaction of these demands were troubled by some aspects. First of all, the Borland distributives are not free and I'm put my hosting on trial. The secont point is the limit of download speed from narod.ru. The download of 10 Mb can take about 30 min of time. The last one was the my unwillingness to waste time for this ungrateful work. But now you can download, install and use the next distributives: Borland C++ 3.1, Borland Pascal 7.0. All of them you can download on this page.
My old flame DOS platform. 20 Mb of distributives. Download, unpack, install.
Start install.exe file.
If the installator write for some reason "can't find unzip.exe",
put the next file in the catalogue where the install.exe lies.
Below you cam read the installation instructions for beginners which not shure what they want but they want to have compile my programs. This instalation is minimalistic.
When the installator asks you the name of disk where the installator lies tell him the letter of corresponding disk. After that you will be asked the catalogue name of distributive. Press Enter because in this window the catalogue name will be right. After that you'll see the set of menus with parameters of installation. In the Directories menu press Enter and type the destination place, e.g. c:\bc. In the third line (Install Options) press Enter and set No for Turbo Debugger, Turbo Assembler, Turbo Profiler. Exit by pressing Esc. In the fourth line (Examples Options) press Enter and set No for all lines besides the first option. After that move cursor to the bottom line and press Enter for begin of installation.
You can to don't do all of described above, in this case you will install full distribution including compilation of programs for Windows, the tool for low-level programs development and debigging Turbo Assembler and Turbo Debugger.
After the finish of installation the Readme window appears. You can read the general information about Borland C++3.1. Close the document using Esc.
If you installed the BC into C:\BC directory you can start the executable file C:\BC\BIN\BC.EXE to start the IDE.
After you started the IDE you will see the grey window with several menus at the top of window. Select File->New. The blue window appears where you can write your programs.
You can write program like #include <stdio.h> void main(){ printf("Hello, Wolrd!!!"); }
Select menu Run->Run for compilation and execution of program. You can view the result of program work pressing Alt+F5.
The save and load of files can be done in File menu.
To obtain the additional information use the biult-in Help (F1 key).
It's the useful system looks like BC++ 3.1. My distribution is mimimalistic, includes the IDE, complilation for real and protected modes, Debugger, graphics libraries BGI. The Windows and TV libraries are absent.
Download the next 4 Mb file.
Unpack file, start install.exe. The installator is similar to BC 3.1. Select required options taking into account the absence of some libraries. You can to change nothing. In this case the programm will be installed in C:\BP directory.
You can start C:\BP\BIN\BP.EXE to start the IDE
uses dos,crt; begin writeln('Hello, world!'); end.
Select menu Run->Run for compilation and execution of program. You can view the result of program work pressing Alt+F5.
The save and load of files can be done in File menu.
To obtain the additional information use the biult-in Help (F1 key).